Kamis, 17 Juli 2014


Procedure How To Make Fried Noodles


Kompetensi Dasar:
1. MembacaMemahami berbagai makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentukprocedure.
2. MenulisMengungkapkan berbagai makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentuk procedure.
Setelah mempelajari program ini siswa dapat:
  1. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam wacana: makna kata, frasa atau kalimat, gagasan pokok, informasi faktual, informasi rinci.
  2. Menggunakan dengan tepat: verb bentuk I, kalimat perintah, kata-kata yang terkait dengan tema, ejaan dan tanda baca.
  3. Menggunakan piranti kohesi (discourse markers) untuk menyatakan sequence.
  4. Menggunakan berbagai sub keterampilan dalam membaca.
  5. Menulis teks procedure.
  6. Menggunakan struktur yang berterima dalam teks procedure.



Lots of people like fried noodles. They are very delicious and easy to prepare. Do you know how to prepare them? If so, do you  know how to share it with other people? Stay in this program for more information.
Procedural Texts show you how to do things, step by step. In these texts you will find instructions or directions on how to cook your favorite dishes, to make a creative toy or handicraft, to operate an equipment, etcetera.
The following show you the samples of procedural texts.

Reading I

Study this text.

           Fried noodles are easy to make. All you need are 350 g of flat egg noodles, 45 ml vegetable oil, 225 g of mushrooms, 200 g of chicken strips, 25 g of chopped garlic, 100 g of bean sprouts and 15 ml of soy sauce.
           First I cook the noodles in boiling water and drain it. Then I pour the oil into a hot sauce pan and add the strips of chicken. After that I put the mushrooms in. Next I add the garlic and the bean sprouts and fry it for 3 minutes. Then I add the noodles and the soy sauce and stir it. 
           When it’s cooked, I take it out and put it in a large plate. Finally I decorate my fried noodles with slices of cucumber and tomatoes               
(Adapted  from Functional English, Tony Rogers, Widya Utama, 2004.)
Do you understand the text?
Are ready to answer questions about it?

Reading II

Read this text carefully.

          Some people like taking pictures and have lots of photo collections. They usually put the pictures in an album. Sometimes, they also put the pictures in frames. In this way, they can put their pictures on the wall or on their desks for decoration. Do you also have a collection of photographs? Do you want to put your pictures in frames too? Why don’t you make your own frames for the photos? It is very simple to make your own photo frame.
          There are five things you need to make this photo frame. They are a styrofoam, some origami paper, a photograph, a glue stick and somevarnish. These materials are easy to get. Maybe they are even found in your surroundings.

          These are the steps to make a photo fish frame. First, draw a fish on the styrofoam tray. The fish should be a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame. Then, cut the origami paper into small pieces. Next, glue the pieces of origami paper to the tray and to the fish cut-out. This fish cut-out will serve as the frame’s stand. After that varnish the frame and the fish and let them dry. Then glue the fish to the back of the frame and use it to hold the frame. Finally attach your picture to the back of the frame with sellotape. And your photo fish frame is ready.               
(Adapted from Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII, Depdiknas,
Dikdasmen, Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama, 2004.

Choose a, b, c, or d as the correct answer for each number.

IAnswer the following questions based on the text. Type your answers in the space provided.

IIThe following are procedures to make a photo fish frame but they are not in the correct order. Put them in the correct order. Type numbers 1 until 6 in the space provided.



Cooking rice is easy especially if you use a rice cooker to do it. First put some rice in a bowl. Then wash it in running water. Next put it in the pan. After that put some water into the pan. Then put the pan into the rice cooker.  Finally plug the cord in and switch the button on. Wait for about 30 minutes until the cooking is done. You will notice it from the light. When the light turns to yellow, your rice is ready to serve.
Writing a procedural text is not difficult. Still, you need to know several things to be able to do it as follow:

Writing : Giving Instructions

When you give instructions to other people, it means that you tell them to do something. Also, when someone gives you an instruction, it means he wants you to do something for him.
Study these sentences.
  1. Open the door.
  2. Draw a fish on a Styrofoam tray.
  3. Cut the paper into small pieces.
  4. Put some rice in a bowl.
  5. Plug the cord in and switch the button on.
Pay attention to the underlined words. Are they nouns, adjectives or verbs? That’s right. They are VERBS- in the first form (verb I). All sentences above start with verb I. They are instructions. They tell people to do something. These instructions are called Imperatives. Imperatives are often used to show procedures.
Pay attention to these sentences:
  1. Don’t close the window.
  2. Don’t come late.
  3. Don’t boil the noodles too long.
  4. Don’t put too much water into the pan.
All the sentences above start with Don’t + Verb I. We use Don’t + Verb I if we want to tell others NOT TO DO SOMETHING. The sentences above are also imperative sentences but they are in the negative form.
We can make our instructions sound nicer or more polite by adding words like please, can, could, will or would. Compare the sentences on the left with the ones on the right.


Do you notice the differences?
That’s right. The sentences on the right are more polite than the only sentence on the left. The instructions sound even nicer with the word could or would.

So, what do you think? It’s easy to give instructions, isn’t it? Well, let’s find out. Below is a list of situations (Column A). Match the situation with the appropriate instruction (Column B). Type the letter (a-f) in the space provided.

Writing : Sequence

Read these sentences. They are from the text.
  1. First put some rice in a bowl.
  2. Then wash it in running water.
  3. Next put it in the pan.
  4. After that put some water in the pan.
  5. Finally plug the cord in.
The underlined words are used to show order of actions. They are called discourse markers to show sequence (piranti kohesi untuk menunjukkan urutan).
Do you know other words to show sequence? Let’s see whether you can identify them.
Study the words in the box. Click the word if you think you can use it to show sequence.

Writing : Vocabulary



sumber : http://sumberbelajar.belajar.kemdikbud.go.id/

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